♪♫ -- muSIc

♪♫ -- inTroDucTioN


In 1967, a Bugle Band was formed. Two instructors from the British army stationed in Johor Bahru taught the Boys. 1968, the band took courage to take part in the National BB Band Competition. We came out Fifth out of the six bands in our first attempt.Band also took many awards in many competition. The band also turn up for different performances.
And now we are proud to be in first JB band XD

Our Motto and Cheers ^_^


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Band Idol

Hey..^^..our band hv a competiton yo..it is "Band Idol"
All the band members pls take part ya..
coz can win RM100 Oo~..^^..
so cool men..haha..

we have 2 category

Category 1
*can play whatever song tat u like
*fee RM5

Catergory 2
u can find ur friends in difference section to play a song
*can play whatever song tat u like
*fee RM5 per group

if dun noe how to transfer the song can find our band
officer and instructor to help u..
so all of u pls take part ya

Fight 4 urself, Fight 4 RM100

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